Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Groovy Shapes

Here is my PDF handout on Groovy Shapes by Sibelius.  The podcast review of this software can be found on the Box Player located on the sidebar.

Read this document on Scribd: Groovy Shapes


Jonathan Rester said...


Great review of Groovy Shapes. Really enojyed the use of music to begin the podcast and continue throughout. Your podcast and your PDF handout walk through the program very well. Showing how to set up the program first was very helpful information to include in the podcast. Your screen shots show how the software progresses also which is very halpful as well.

Susan Reynolds said...


What a cute program! User friendly and educator friendly! By the way, I like the background music in the podcast! Very nice detail.

I have not listened to a review or seen a program that actually comes with lesson plans - especially usable ones. Nice touch.

Allison Parker said...

Hi Eric!

I thought this was a great review! I know you have said that you love technology in class and it really shows! Your podcast was really interesting and you hand was colorful and easy to follow. I'm definitely taking some notes!

Groovy Shapes seems like a really fun and creative program. I really liked how you could create your own profile and that the lessons were progressive and could incorporate the Nat'l Standards! Well done, I really enjoyed it!

Dustin G. White said...

I loved the way you incorporated knowledge we learned in this class to create a very professional and interesting podcast. This program seems like a great tool for younger kids. The graphics on this program are entertaining enough to keep the student interested in learning. Awesome job on the review, and I loved the handout. Long live Sibelius!

Tim said...

Hello Eric,

I like the music in the background. It seems that the software uses the spiral idea and comes back around with the same concepts but at higher levels. Sounds like great software.


Mr. Justin Norton said...


Awesome job. My wife would have loved something like this when she was teaching elementary music. The PDF handout was concise and easy to follow. Way to go with the music in the background. It looks like a program that would easily get students excited about learning basic music skills. Great work!


Kim Walls said...

Thanks Eric, I've been wanting to review this title more closely. Not only gadgets and plugins, but you also used multiple audio tracks for the podcast...thanks!

Dan said...

Great presentation of your review. The music in the back ground gave it a more exciting feel to the whole thing. I thought it was cool. The program sounds great and I would go out and get it for my 6 yr. old to play with at home.

Great Job!!!

Mr. T said...

Nice job on your review. I enjoyed listening to the music as your podcast played. I believe it added to the presentation. Your PDF presentation was very organized and informational. I like this program as well and am considering purchasing this for my daughter after she begins school.

Sherry L. Francis said...

Great work! I posted comments to my blog.
-Sherry Francis