Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Digital Video

Below is a link to the website Screencast for a video listening guide created to introduce students to the music of Andrew Lloyd Weber and The Phantom of the Opera.  This video was created using iMovie and then uploaded using Screencast. Due to the size of the video, I opted to post a link to the video rather than embed the player on my blog posting.


Below is a link to Screencast for a video created using Jing, which is a video capturing tool. This video is a software evaluation for The Amazing Slow-Downer, a program downloaded from the internet. Due to the size of the video, I opted to post a link to the video rather than embed the player on my blog posting.



Allison Parker said...


I thought this was a pretty cool software program. I could see my roommates from college using this to help them with their jazz transcriptions. Well Done!


Kim Walls said...

Great job!